About us
Welcome to the homepage of Prof. Huck Beng Chew’s research group at UIUC.
Here at the Laboratory for Computational Multiscale Mechanics of Materials (CM3), we utilize various computational tools and machine learning algorithms to study a wide variety of advanced multiscale mechanics problems. Some computational tools we have used are, but are not limited to, ABAQUS, LAMMPS, and VASP.
Our research efforts address a broad range of topics with a focus in the field of Mechanical and Aerospace engineering:
- Additive manufacturing
- Materials behaviour under extreme environment conditions
- Nano and micromechanics properties of composites
- Modelling of fracture and fatigue
For more details about our current and previous work, please visit Research Aera.
We have been fortunate to receive strong funding from NASA, AFOSR, and NSF.

Articles about members in the group:
New research computes first step toward predicting lifespan of electric space propulsion systems, 1/2/2023: https://aerospace.illinois.edu/news/53379
New method to predict stress at atomic scale, 11/2/2021: https://aerospace.illinois.edu/news/43090
Rovey on leadership team for new NASA propulsion initiative, 3/30/2021: https://aerospace.illinois.edu/news/33644
Magic twist angles of graphene sheets identified, 3/10/2020: https://aerospace.illinois.edu/news/magic-twist-angles-graphene-sheets-identified
Protecting space crew from extreme heat during reentry, 5/9/2018: https://aerospace.illinois.edu/news/protecting-space-crew-extreme-heat-during-reentry
Chew and Panesi promoted to associate professor, 6/5/2018: https://aerospace.illinois.edu/news/chew-and-panesi-promoted-associate-professor
Chew gains Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research, 3/28/2017: https://aerospace.illinois.edu/news/chew-gains-dean%25E2%2580%2599s-award-excellence-research
Aerospace Engineering Faculty on Focus: